Wednesday, 04 December 2024


Mandora (Ortanique) is an excellent combination of Mandarine and Orange offering the best qualities of the two fruits!

The name Mandora a synthesis of Mand (-arine) and Ora (-nge) and has been given to the fruit as it has been developed by cross pollination of the two varieties. Its origin is Jamaica and its' original name being a synthesis of OR (-ange),

TAN (-gerine) and (un-)IQUE.

Mandora grows in South Europe and gives the highest quality fruit because of the soil and the climate conditions that are ideal for this special fruit. This Mandarin Orange is of medium size with a rather flat shape of deep orange color. The pulp is tender and extremely juicy, often exceeding 60% of the whole fruit's weight.

Nutritious Values

  • Mandora is very low (53 calories/100 g) in calories.
  • Valuable sources of flavonoid anti-oxidants like naringenin, naringin, hesperetin, vitamin A, carotenes, xanthins and luteins; in fact, several times higher than in the oranges.
  • Very rich sources of vitamin-C (ascorbic acid), a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C helps absorb iron in the food by reducing ferrous form of the iron elements.
  • Contains natural soluble and insoluble fiber like hemi-cellulose, pectin...etc.. Adequate fiber in the food aids in smooth bowel movements by acting as a laxative. Pectin and hemi-cellulose restrict the absorption of cholesterol in the gut which cuts the risk of obesity.
  • The dietary fiber in this fruit also improves digestion that is good for the overall working of the body.

Mandora is harvested during winter and spring time in the monthsof January/February/March and April

